Modify OSM POIs in Locus Map

LoPOI is a plugin for Locus Map application that allows you download/create/update/delete OSM POIs.

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First Vector Graphic
LoPOI works with Locus Map POIs

Some Locus maps have POI database. With LoPOI you can update POI's details directly on

  • Modify existing POIs

    Using Locus Map POIs you can edit&delete existing OSM POIs.

  • Create new POIs

    Contribute to Open Street Maps creatiing missed POI.

  • Search for OSM Node

    You can search OSM Node by Id and edit it after.


Frequently Asked Questions

LoPOI is very simple add-on.

What should I know to use it?

Before editing data on it is highly recommended to read about basic concepts

To start modification click on any POI in Locus Map application and open its Details dialog. Then open Share menu and select LoPOI plugin.

To download POIs move map to desired location and select LoPOI application in Locus menu (Menu -> More functions -> Add-ons -> LoPOI).

If you have any questions, send us email:
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Can I use LoPOI without Locus Map?

No, it works only with installed Locus Map.

Do I need to have LocusPro version?

No, LoPOI works with both free and paid versions of Locus.

Do I need installed map with POI database?

Yes and No. With POI database you'll have an access to all features of the plugin.

Without POI database you will be able to create new POIs. Modification and deletion of existing POIs will work only if you know POI Id (that is not convenient).

Also you can download POIs around specific location using this application and modify/delete downloaded POIs.

What OSM elements can I edit with LoPOI?

Modification & deletion support Node and Way elements. Creation supports only Node element.

What data can I edit in OSM elements?

You can edit only tags.